Painting Guide - Necrons Painting C'tan Nightbringer GW Master Class

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Recently I was looking for some information for Lewes who is getting ready to paint his Necron C'tan Nightbringer, and came across this old GW Masterclass on painting the Star Gods, so thought I would share it with you all, so here you are this is the GW Masterclass painting guide for the Necron C'tan Nightbringer.
Obviously some of the colours mentioned in this Masterclass are no longer in existence, but is easy to work out the modern equivalents

"For this Masterclass we asked the 'Eavy Metal team how they went about painting the new C'tan special character model, the Nightbringer, designed by Alex Hedström."


The torso of the model was first pinned (using brass rod) to the lower robes, which were then themselves pinned to the scarab base.

The scythe arm was then glued on before giving the model an undercoat of Chaos Black spray. Thinned Chaos Black paint was then applied to any areas where the spray had failed to catch.

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